Consume in the Service of CreationWe scroll, we watch, we ingest — information, entertainment, distraction — a slow erosion of our potential.Feb 262Feb 262
The Most Important Thing You Can Understand About Quantum PhysicsThis piece will teach you the single most crucial insight into quantum physics — truly, it’s the most important takeaway. But first, let’s…Feb 924Feb 924
A No-Math Resolution to the Two Envelopes ParadoxYou’re presented with two sealed envelopes containing an unknown sum of money — except you’re told that one envelope contains twice as…Feb 219Feb 219
Do You Think Like A Bayesian?You’re watching American TV, and an overproduced commercial informs you there’s a rare genetic condition preventing you from strolling…Jan 2713Jan 2713
If You Still Don’t Understand the Monty Hall Paradox, You Never WillYou are presented with three doors and know that behind one of the doors is a new car, while the other two reveal a goat. The host of this…Jan 1764Jan 1764
2025 is NOT the Quantum Year — This is 👇125 years of quantum physics condensed into a calendar yearJan 113Jan 113
Sorry, crackpots, there will never be another EinsteinThe archetype of the lone genius — the individual who, against all odds, revolutionizes human understanding — has captivated us for…Jan 712Jan 712